1.2.2 UDPAuthenticationContext Constructors

These functions are used to construct Authentication Contexts for use with UDP sockets. Use the constructors described below for in association with TCP sockets.

mk_req (sprinc, local_addr, remote_addr[, options])
Create an Authentication Context for use in communication with a remote server. This is used by a client initiating communication. The principal representing the server being contacted is passed as sprinc. The two addresses, local_addr and remote_addr, are both internet addresses represented as the tuple "(host, port)". The application request options should be passed as a bitwise-or of option values in options. Valid options are AP_OPTS_USE_SESSION_KEY and AP_OPTS_MUTUAL_REQUIRED. The return value is a tuple of the Authentication Context and s string representing the first packet which should be sent to the server.

rd_req (sprinc, data, local_addr, remote_addr)
Create an Authentication Context based on data read from an incoming packet. This is used on a server to authenticate incoming communications. The server principal is passed as sprinc and the data from the first packet received from the client is passed as a string in data. The two address are as described for mk_req().

Type of the Authentication Context object returned by mk_req() and rd_req().